Friday, July 30, 2010

rune factory

"Don't you get it? I like you!"

haven't played RF in a long time but i remember that i
liked zavier a lot. i think his crush on mist is sweet ;u;
this is for myself, not the one a day thing. today's theme
was celebs, but i'm not into that stuff ffffff

time seems to be going slow today. i took a nap at 4:30pm
and i thought it was 8pm when i woke up, but it was 5:30. . .
and when i was drawing this, i thought it was 1am, but it's
only 12am right now
i screwed up my sleep schedule "orz

Thursday, July 29, 2010


the theme for the 29th is jump.
i'm no good at perspective and things like that
so i just made a quick jumping akari rofl
it came out weird though because i've never done
anything outside of blinking, so \TAT\

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

a day in the past.

is the theme. so i picked chase's intro. P:
i used the english names for this one for some reason.
been drawing for two hours it's now 2AM. erggg
i've never done comics before so bear with me :<


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


this is so awfully ugly eghh i can't believe i drew this
so it's a link
theme was animal crossing :/
doesn't even look like it rofl but i was thinking of the "cake shirt"
when i drew her. . . or whatever that thing is

i don't want to post this but for future reference so
people don't think i skipped again or something orz

( turn away if you value your sight. )

Monday, July 26, 2010


theme was poke. i was pretty stumped.
then i remembered the manga Devil and Her Song, and how yusuke
would always do that head tilt and try to get maria to too, haha

Sunday, July 25, 2010


a day in spring. spring fashion. harem pants P:
posted just in time!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


( i skipped yesterday's theme, pixar fanart.
last time i went to see a movie was in nov last year "orz )

renee / leena. =u= she's my favorite bachelorette ♥
i think she's perfect for takeru~
color this time because the theme was rainbow.

we have buttercups growing along our creek, so my parents
always said if you put one under your chin and your chin glowed
yellow, you liked butter. . . 笑

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


( technically it's not the 21st in EST, but the deadline
is noon. )
i'm doing a summer project on another site where
i draw everyday to a certain theme. today was the
first day and it was "self portrait"
i drew some chibis. i'll probably do the whole project
in chibis, since i'm not really good at them. =u=

i never know how to color dark hair, so i did a gray
tone and a color one. . . my hair is black, but brown
is easier for me to see~

the first is a typical outfit. the others are clothes on
my wishlist from YESSTYLE haha

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


hikari & akari in the victorian/gothic outfits.
i said i had an idea for them ! ★

i'm a little annoyed though because red is hikari's
color, but the long sleeves don't suit her ! but black
and red aren't either of akari's colors. . . ufff TAT

Monday, July 19, 2010

hikari outfits

got bored and ended up doing the same for hikari P:
i like the victorian/gothic lolita outfits, but i have an
idea in mind for those.

yuuki outfits

was messing around.
just picked out a few of my favorites of his~

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


at night, under the stars. hmm. . . ?
at least, i imagine that would be wizard's ideal setting.
she looks like a child compared to him ;;;;;
fixed hikari.

more wizard

i wasn't even sure if i should post this one or not,
because it looks a little funny xD
i don't think he would ever sit like this, but i didn't know
what to with the rest of his body.
there's no double meaning to that. :<

Monday, July 12, 2010


from harvest moon: twin villages.
he would be the first doctor type i considered first. P:
jin doesn't count, because he grew on me.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

wizard x hikari

i really like these two, even though i never bought the game.
i have tree of tranquility though P:
i need profile view practice yeah errr
my style even looks different from 3/4 to profile xC
dont worry my cg didnt change i was just messier lol

Friday, July 9, 2010


this was a request for someone.
sorry i'm not really updating, i'm doing less sketches and doodles.
i want to do commissions, eventually.