Thursday, August 26, 2010

yay ♥

just various clothes from yesstyle i will buy eventually xD

no more commissions, i don't really know what to draw now rofl

i bought a total of 2 things at what was supposed to
be "back to school shopping" at the mall. /shot
( why am i so picky ! )

they're seperate, i just wanted to stick them in the same picture.
i bought the stapless smocked top for layering purposes TuT

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010



the hair was a major pain. i think i spent as much time
on it as a normal drawing orz

Sunday, August 22, 2010


third commission for nephalite for her friend.
just a sketch, i hope they don't change their selfy again LOL

every time i try to read my summer homework book,
i fall asleep. IS THIS A SIGN??? help me, it is so boring

Saturday, August 21, 2010


i wish i could just go "poof" and the last commission would be done "orz

at church i play with an ensemble. the pianist has the
most arrogant air around him. when you're supposed to shake
hands with the people around you, i'm the closest one to him.
he'll reach over the piano to shake the hands of the singers,
guitarists, bassists, heck, he'll wave to the drum kid, who is
the farthest away from him. but when i try to shake his hand,
i'll stand up and reach over my music stand, and he'll put his hand up like in a "don't talk to me" way and keep his eyes on the music.

every time he does this and i feel like i'm being rejected,
like "oh you're not good enough, i don't even have to regard you" and
i'm not even the newest person in the ensemble. i hate this feeling
of isolation, this feeling of my ego being crushed again and again. i'm a
self-conscious person to begin with, and this really blows.
i can't stand him. honestly.

good thing he's being shipped off to college, and today was his
last time playing at church.

two downsides
1. now our ensemble leader is pressuring me to replace him.
NONONO i'm not confident at all with piano, AND I DON'T WANT TO
BE COMPARED TO HIM. i'm no where near as good, and i'm not so blind
as to not realize it. i will not subject myself to being his shadow.

2. i play violin normally. so i have to play a solo for the anniversary
of our church in november. he's going to be my accompianist. EFFFFF

on a lighter note, i was rereading naruto chapters, and sasuke's face
never ceases to scare the crap out of me, no matter how many times
i see this page.

i really want sakura to go girl power on sasuke

Friday, August 20, 2010

sketch 2

wip for hachimitsu hime on tm
yeah i cant draw wings at all
the pawn girl is too complicated of an outfit so i took off
the shoulder. . . thing. i cant remember what it was called !
and i JUST had it like ten minutes ago

i need to finish these last two
i can't take it anymore, i think i'm going to go crazy
it's getting down to the end of the rope here, i need
to start doing my summer homework like my life depends on it
i had wanted to start rl commissions during july, but that's
not happening because it's kind of obvious my parents don't
support me at all. they don't need to sugarcoat their words.